Yaser Bahadurzehi was a 17-year-old Baloch boy from Khash, a city in the province of Bolichistan, in southeastern Iran. His disability ID card shows that he had a severe mental disability. But what his friends and his family remember him by is his beautiful timid smile and his innocent eyes, almost mischievously trying to hide from the camera.
The date was Friday, November 4, 2022. Over a month after the Regime’s forces began opening fire on innocent protesters in what is known as the “Zahedan Massacre”, the atmosphere in the Baluchistan region was very tense. The city of Khash was no exception. Security forces of the regime were everywhere in the city, but residents were determined to continue their protest following their Friday prayers. Shortly after the prayers ended, Regime forces opened fire on thousands of defenseless protesters and resulting in another “Bloody Friday”, this time in the city of Khash. We do not have any confirmed reports explaining exactly what happened to Yaser in that massacre. Eye witnesses reported blood everywhere and families looking for their loved ones amongst the chaos. It took Yaser’s family a full day to finally find his lifeless body, covered in blood, in an empty lot near the governor’s building. Yaser was killed during the massacre and is said that the cause of his death was a bullet shot to the head.
Main sources:
Haalvash tweet about Yaser Bahadorzehi, containing a video of him which was used in drafting the narration of his story above.
A tweet containing photos of Yaser’s Disability ID and birth certificate
Another tweet containing a photo of Yaser’s friend crying over his dead body (0:11 of the video) _ NOT CONFIRMED)